Thursday, April 26, 2007

Melting Greenland glacier uncovers island

Melting glacier uncovers island contains a series of pictures showing one effect of melting glaciers in Greenland. There are beginning to be islands freed from the ice who have been buried by ice for millennia.

I've now flown over Greenland four times (on two trips) and from 35,000 feet in the airplane all I can say is there is a massive amount of ice covering that continent.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Climate change threatens Sundarbans

The threats posed by climate change to natural and cultural sites on UNESCO's World Heritage List are outlined in a new UNESCO publication, "Case Studies on Climate Change and World Heritage"*. The report features 26 examples - including the Tower of London, Kilimanjaro National Park and the Great Barrier Reef - case studies that are representative of the dangers faced by the 830 sites inscribed on the World Heritage List.

"The international community now widely agrees that climate change will constitute one of the major challenges of the 21st century," says the Director-General of UNESCO, Koïchiro Matsuura, in his Foreword to the publication, calling for "an integrated approach to issues of environmental preservation and sustainable development."

The publication, intended to raise awareness and mobilize support for heritage preservation, is divided into five chapters that deal with glaciers, marine biodiversity, terrestrial biodiversity, archaeological sites, and historic cities and settlements:

The melting of glaciers around the world is affecting the appearance of sites inscribed for their outstanding beauty and destroying the habitat of rare wildlife species such as the snow leopard, in the Sagarmatha National Park, Nepal. These changes could also have disastrous effects on human lives with flooding resulting from glacial lake outbursts threatening human settlements. The establishment of monitoring and early warning systems and the artificial draining of glacial lakes are recommended to help avoid disasters.

The report also examines the effects of climate change on the marine World Heritage sites. Seventy percent of the world's deep sea corals are expected to be affected by changing conditions related to rising temperatures and increased oceans acidification by the year 2100. The Great Barrier Reef, Australia, is expected to be subjected to increasingly frequent bleaching events, cases in which corals turn white and may die due to rising sea temperatures. Fifty-eight percent of the world's coral reefs - home to hundreds of thousands of fish species - are considered to be at risk. Reducing the effect of other stresses on the coral reefs from pollution, development and mining for example, could greatly improve their resilience to climate change, argues the report.

Biodiversity on land is also threatened by climate change, says the report, which features a detailed case study of the Heritage Site of Cape Floral Region Protected Areas, South Africa, where biodiversity is threatened by shrinking bioclimatic habitats - due to warming and changes in precipitation. On the global scale, climate change is expected to lead to changes in the distribution of species, including "invasive species",pathogens and parasites and on the timing of biological events, such as flowering, and the relationships between predator and prey, parasite and host, plant and pollinator, etc. The report recommends several measures to deal with this problem, including the creation of protected areas and relocating particularly endangered species.

Climate change is also expected to damage archaeological World Heritage sites, according to the report which examines prospects for Chan Chan Archaeological Zone, Peru, alongside other World Heritage properties in Canada and the Russian Federation. Changes in precipitation and drought cycles, in humidity, water-table levels and ensuing soil chemistry will, inevitably, impact the conservation of archaeological remains. Likewise, temperature rises, especially the melting of permafrost in the Arctic region and rising sea levels are also expected to take their toll on this heritage. The report notably analyses how precipitations related to El Niño is undermining the fragile earthen fabric of Chan Chan, the remains of the capital of the ancient Chimu Kingdom, one of the most important pre-Hispanic earthen architecture cities in the Americas.

Rising sea levels and flooding due to climate change could have a devastating effect on both the buildings and social fabric of historic cities and settlements, according to the report, which focuses on the cases of the World Heritage sites of the City of London alongside several other sites in Europe, Africa (Timbuktu, Mali), and the Middle East (Ouadi Qadisha and the Forest of the Cedars of god, Lebanon). The increase in soil moisture after flooding events can lead to a rise in saline crystallization on built surfaces, which is particularly damaging to decorated surfaces. Increased humidity can also lead to ground heave and subsidence. Dealing with these and other threats requires taking into account the complex interactions among natural, cultural and social aspects of conservation.

The publication of this report follows on the 2005 decision by the World Heritage Committee's decision, to start studying the impact of climate change on World Heritage sites. In March 2006, 50 experts on the subject met at UNESCO and in July 2006, the Organization presented the World Heritage Committee with a report on "Predicting and Managing the Effects of Climate Change on World Heritage," and a "Strategy to Assist States Parties to Implement Appropriate Management Responses."

Article Reference: 

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Acidic oceans

The acidity of the ocean has increased by 30% since pre-industrial times and is predicted to double by 2100 because of increased uptake of CO2 according to expatriate Australian Australia’s leading oceanographer, Dr Tony Haymet, former Chief of Marine and Atmospheric Science at CSIRO, now director of the prestigious Scripps Institution of Oceanography and Vice Chancellor of Marine Sciences at the University of California.

Increasing the amount of CO2 in the oceans causes an increase in hydrogen carbonate ions, HCO3-, but a decrease in carbonate CO22- which organisms need to make calcium carbonate shells and other structures.

The predicted acidity increase will have unknown consequences for marine life and ecosystems such as coral reefs, tiny marine organisms called pteropods, and fish larvae to name but three.

Article Reference: 

Bleak IPCC Report Highlights Deadly Climate Impacts

The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) -- the main UN international group studying climate change -- has released the second installment of the IPCC fourth assessment report enitled "Impact, Adaptation and Vulnerability" [more | more2]. Building on February's IPCC report which found human greenhouse gas emissions are very likely to be the main cause of recent warming, thousands of the world's leading climate scientists concurred that heat-trapping emissions from industry and other activities are already influencing weather patterns and ecology. A further increase in global average temperatures of 3-5 degrees F is expected to lead to a wide variety of climate change exacerbated disasters including droughts, floods, hunger, disease, extinction of at least a fourth of the world's species, loss of vital global natural areas like the Amazon and Great Barrier Reef, and inundation of coasts and islands occupied by hundreds of millions of people.

Article Reference: 

Stark picture of a warming world

"And we have far greater regional detail than in [our previous global assessment in] 2001 on things like glacier melting, and what the implications of that melting will be; on sea level rise, which clearly threatens a number of countries in the world including mega-deltas which are particularly vulnerable; and on agriculture, which has implications for food security."

...And the arguments can be quite hard to win in rich northern countries which, as the IPCC report acknowledged, may actually benefit from a modest amount of warming, and where resources are enough to defend against rising sea levels and shrinking rainfall.

...And there is little evidence to believe that a report painting severe consequences ahead for the poor of the world, however detailed and bought into by governments, will be enough to bring unprecedented change from all the well-off members of the community of nations.

Article Reference: 

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Toxic truth of secretive Siberian city

Catalytic converters use Palladium as a catalyst to remove pollution out of car exhaust. But in this BBC report we are taken to a city in a remote region of Siberia which is one of the major producers of Palladium, producing almost half of the worlds supply.

The city was built by the Soviet Union to mine ores and produce metals from the ores. A rich mix of metals is produced there, including nickel, copper, palladium, platinum, gold and silver. But the ore also contains a large amount of sulphur. When the ore is smelted to extract the metals, the sulfur is released along with other toxic chemicals, into the environment.

This is acid rain.. and there is a dead zone around this city for 30 kilometers (or more) radius.

This one city produces almost two million tons of sulfur dioxide a year.

Article Reference: 

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Ecological Internet, Inc.


Ecological Internet, Inc. specializes in the use of the Internet to achieve environmental conservation outcomes. Ecological Internet's mission is to empower the global movement for environmental sustainability by providing information retrieval tools, portal services and analysis that aid in the conservation of climate, forest, ocean and water ecosystems; and to commence the age of ecological restoration and sustainability.

Climate Ark - Climate Change and Global Warming Portal


Climate Ark is a climate change and global warming portal and search engine that promotes public policy that addresses global climate change through reductions in carbon dioxide and other emissions, renewable energy, energy conservation and ending deforestation.